= What are eyelash extensions?

Lash extensions are used to extend the length and increase the thickness of your natural lashes. They are applied to each of your natural lashes enhancing the lash line.

= What are lash extensions made out of?

Eyelash extensions can be made from animal hair or synthetic fibers. MIRÁ uses only the highest quality products. Our studio uses Lash Affair eyelash extensions which are made of PBT synthetic fibers. They are lightweight and flexible, looking and feeling like natural lashes.

= Do you offer Mink lashes, Faux Mink and Silk Lashes?

As a cruelty-free eyelash extension studio, we do not use any Mink lashes.

Real mink lashes come from the mink tail, from siberian mink or chinese mink. Although they are lighter and more similar to human hair, there is higher risk of an allergic reaction. They don't maintain their curl and clients have to keep curling them at home. Additionally, these lashes are very expensive, starting at $500 per set. There are still some small boutiques that offer real mink eyelash extensions but at M I R Á, we love animals, so we stay away from using this.

The majority of eyelash extensions that reputable companies are using are made of PBT fibers. Faux Mink and silk eyelash extensions are also made of PBT material, the only difference between them is the taper (uniform taper or taper towards the end) and the finish (matte or glossy). There are no standards that establish requirements to call them Faux Mink or Silk. Each company uses slightly different naming conventions. Most companies and salons use these names for marketing purposes only.

= What makes MIRÁ a luxury experience?

  • Lash artist Eilin Gonzales has over 11 certifications from globally-recognized programs.
  • Eilin’s passion inspires continued education on best practices and techniques.
  • Each client’s set of eyelash extensions are customized by Eilin to fit not only their style and taste, but also natural features and daily routine.
  • The goal is to enhance your unique natural beauty, not take away from it.
  • To ensure the best eyelash extension application, we use the best products available.
  • During each appointment, we take care to never cut down on time, never rushing.

= How can I book an appointment?

Visit our booking page online

Please note: Per state regulations, all clients are required to fill out this COVID-19 waiver before their appointment. (link) If you cannot complete this form, please contact Eilin ASAP.

= Will I have an allergic reaction?

MIRÁ uses premium quality professional-grade adhesive. Allergic reactions are rare, but can occur even after wearing extensions for some time.

Your safety is our concern. We provide patch testing in order to determine allergic reactions. We have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available for any and all guests to view upon request.

If you had an allergic reaction in the past it is most likely that you will have it again. M I R Á does not recommend this service to any clients that have experienced an allergic reaction in the past.

Symptoms may include swollen eyelids, itchiness and redness. This usually occurs within the first 24-hours after application. If you experience any adverse reactions following your appointment, contact your doctor immediately.

= How do I prepare for my appointment?

Be prepared to remain still with your eyes closed for the duration of the appointment. This may last for a few hours depending upon the service (see below.)

Before you arrive, remove all eye makeup and take out contact lenses. If you must wear contacts, make sure to bring a contact case; a contact solution can be provided.

Avoid caffeine for at least 3 hours before your appointment to help avoid twitching. You can bring your own earphones and listen to your own playlist, favorite podcast, and audiobooks.

= How long are MIRÁ appointments?

At MIRÁ, quality is never compromised. We don’t count lash extensions that are going to be applied, and we don’t apply lash extensions to only half of your natural lashes. We strive to apply eyelash extensions to every natural lash to achieve the best look.

For volume technique we don’t use pre-manufactured fanned eyelash extensions. We handcraft each fan during application to ensure perfect attachment at the base between natural lash and lash extensions. This ensures good retention, and a comfortable feel.

New set applications can take approximately 2 to 3 hours. Fills can take from 1.25 to 2 hours. We put extreme care into each service. With proper after care, your lashes will remain flawless until your next appointment.

= How long do eyelash extensions last?

Proper care and hygiene are essential for long-lasting lash extensions. Lash growth cycles are also important; some are slower or faster than others.

Fill appointments are recommended every 2-3 weeks. During fill appointments, we will remove and replace all overgrown lashes, lifted lashes, those that have changed direction, and/or that have fallen out.

= How do I know if I need a fill or full appointment?

For a fill, clients must have at least 40% of their lash extensions remaining.

Clients with less than 40% of the lash extensions remaining must book a full set. Full set appointments are recommended every 4+ weeks. This is a complete lash rejuvenation.

= Do lash extensions damage your natural lashes?

If properly applied and cared for, eyelash extensions are totally safe and won’t damage your natural lashes. Eyelash extensions shouldn’t hurt, poke into the skin, be stuck to each other, or feel heavy.

MIRÁ wants you to feel beautiful in your new set of eyelash extensions and we will try to please what you are looking for as much as possible. However, the health of your natural lashes is also a top priority. We will carefully determine the proper length and thickness of eyelash extensions to be used to ensure your lashes will remain healthy.

= Why get eyelash extensions?

  • Save time during your morning makeup routine; skip mascara.
  • Add volume and density to spare natural eyelashes.
  • Enhance your eyes with your own unique look.
  • Look more awake and youthful with the right design.
  • Boost your self confidence, when you look good, you feel good.
  • Perfect for special occasions like weddings, vacations and photoshoots.

= How do I take care of my lash extensions?

  • Avoid water, steam rooms, hot saunas, facial services and tanning for at least 24 hours after application.
  • Wash eyelash extensions daily. It is important to wash the roots and skin between the eyelashes. By doing this, your lashes will last longer and remain hygienic.
  • Avoid running water directly onto lashes (especially in the shower.)
  • Avoid hair conditioner on your lashes when showering.
  • Do not use cotton swabs to wash eyelash extensions. Instead, use a synthetic brush.
  • Blot your eyelash extensions, air dry, and finish by brushing with a spoolie.
  • Avoid touching, pulling and rubbing eyelash extensions.
  • Do not use mascara.
  • Sleep on your back with a silk pillowcase (if possible.)
  • Avoid oily products on or around your lashes.
  • Use water-based makeup remover only.
  • Don’t curl your lashes.
  • Avoid excess heat sources; ovens, lighters and open fire can damage extensions.

= Can I wear mascara?

Since eyelash extensions enhance your lashes, there’s really no need to wear mascara. Mascara can also damage and dirty your lashes. Skip this step in your makeup routine.

= Can I go swimming?

You may go swimming after 24 hours of application. Afterwards, blot - don’t rub - lashes dry with a soft washcloth. Brush with a spoolie to separate individual lashes.

= Can I book a fill if I currently have eyelash extensions from another salon?

There are so many factors to consider when we customize eyelash extensions for each client. For example, the thickness, the length, the curl and the styling. These details all play a big role in the end result. It is also important to use the right technique.

We have experienced on the past that clients from other salons come to us with the following issues:

  • Eyelash extensions that have been applied with poor application techniques
  • Length and thickness are too long or heavy for the natural lashes to hold safely
  • Improper styling not favoring the client’s natural features

MIRÁ is very proud of the overall quality results that we offer. For this reason, we recommend removing lash extensions from other salons and start with a new set.